Jaunsari Song

Welcom to Jaunsari Song.

Jaunsari in language first (CD ) Rikd was held on 22.9.2011 were Rikd 10 Jaunsari songs . The Kasit made ​​all the songs you can get the devotees Jaunsari Christ . Kasit get all the devotees did the work Jaunsari Christ .

It Jaunsari Kasit Hiday devotee of Christ is what God wants to tell . Kasit was intended to make the Jaunsari Christ worshipers that God would give glory to the name of this Kasit (Jiya ki Bat) were placed . Kasit to 02/20/2013 ( Jiya ki Bat ) was Bhimocn .

You (Jia Ki Bat) Download and listen to all the songs.


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